Tuesday, September 23, 2008

of Augustus, by Augustus

When Jeanna was in the hospital a few weeks ago, Magdalena wanted to take some entertainment into her, so we loaded a bag of dress up stuff to take to the hospital with us to put on a show. Here is Augustus during dress rehearsal in his Tartan matador wood nymph ensemble. This shot does not do justice to the lines of the creation. The doll jacket ends at his rib cage and the black tights are pulled up high, hence the "matador" effect. Almost three year old style rocks, that's all I got to say.

We were having french toast for breakfast when a knock on the door alerted us to a temporary loss of power as the JEA guys worked on our lines. Of course Magdalena and Augustus went directly into power outage emergency mode and retrieved our candles (still conveniently on the windowsill from T.S. Fay last month) and our camping/emergency lantern and insisted that I close the blinds so we could have the full "no-power/no-lights" effect. Meanwhile Augustus got his syrupy hands on the camera and captured this shot. Do your children wear clothes at breakfast? I guess maybe, if your Nora and Jon and live in NM where it might be a bit chilly and they have fabulous matching pajamas, they might.


  1. Actually, our kids don't wear PJ's at breakfast for at least six months of the year! We had a few chilly evenings, but it warmed up again, so they're just in their barbaloot suits as I write.

  2. Augustus is brilliant. You watch, he is going to grow up to be the most fabulous fashion designer ever!
